Monday, February 18, 2008

Paffles, a Delicious Compromise

I bring to you the cross pollination (go away you botanists...this type of science is obviously too advanced for you) of a pancake and a waffle a.k.a. the Paffle! To create this scientific bit of yumminess i and my partner in scientific crime added a bit of oil to a pancake recipe and then deceived the soon to be paffle by cooking it on a frying pan like a pancake,then we used our super amazing paffling skills to flip the at this point pancake onto the waffle iron,Yippee!We have created a monster,the Paffle!!!It will yummify you!Beware!muahahaha,we be mad scientists.bloody mad.

Ingredients: Kitty Cat, Oil, Egg...

Okay, here are the real ingredients for all you weak stomached sissies.
Ingredients: Milk, Bisquick, Egg, Oil

First mix the bisquick,eggs,oil,and milk in a bowl. mixed!

Now you need to arrange your waffle iron and frying pan so that they are in close proximity of each other unless you are a speedy gonzalo and just super skilled.

BUTTER the pan with lots of BUTTER!

BUTTER the waffle iron with lots of BUTTER!

yay!batter cooking in a puddle of butter!

Now be as awesome as me and flip this pancake onto the waffle iron carefully,so that it can reach its true potential and become a full fledged Paffle.


This picture is Beauteous.
The anipisthographic Pancake!
The anapisthagraphic Waffle!
We've done it,defied the laws of nature,Introducing the Paffle!!!


Paffle Recipe:
(This is the pancake recipe from the bisquick box, go ahead and use whatever wffle or pancake or hybrid recipe you please)
2 cups Bisquick mix
1&1/4 cups milk
1 egg
Pour all the ingredients in a bowl together and stir until mixed.

Cook on one side on a frying pan, flip onto a waffle iron.


Anonymous said...

This is awesome on so many levels.

I think I need to go to the store now and buy some of this stuff, I think I have a waffle iron around here somewhere.

Anonymous said...

I guess I was clicking on the wrong link before. Wow, whatever. I'd say the idea is good, but the fact that you're not constantly making food to give to me isn't so good. So... be my maid!

And I don't think I have any Kitty Cat, so sadly, I cannot try the glorious, 'paffle.'

Anonymous said...

Briliant!! (did I spell Brilliant wronG?)

Not sure, spent to much time finding out that Opisthographic isn't on the Mirriam Webster site.

I sense only one missing ingrediant, though technically it can be added as a side, in mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmBACONmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

Great job to both of you, though I prefer Schenkenstein or Frankenfelder as a sir name.

Franks & beans to you, Lalo (someone told me thats the Spanish nickname for me.)

Anonymous said...

Mmm. butter, waffles, pancakes. A little bacon, some sausage, butter again . . . this has the potential to create world peace!

Uncle Phil says hello!

Anonymous said...

THIS MAKES LIFE HAPPY!!!!!!!! i hope you don't mind but imma spam ur website thingy ;D

Anonymous said...

woah so I guess all the cool people have commented on this huh?
It is rather... AMAZING
lots of butter lots of butter

Anonymous said...